The Zapata Telephony Project

The Zapata Telephony Project was conceived of by Jim Dixon, a telecommunications
consulting engineer who was inspired by the incredible advances in CPU speeds that
the computer industry has now come to take for granted. Dixon’s belief was that far
more economical telephony systems could be created if a card existed that had nothing
more on it than the basic electronic components required to interface with a telephone
circuit. Rather than having expensive components on the card, Digital Signal Processing
(DSP)‡ would be handled in the CPU by software. While this would impose a tremen-

dous load on the CPU, Dixon was certain that the low cost of CPUs relative to their
performance made them far more attractive than expensive DSPs, and,  more  impor-

2 | Chapter 1: A Telephony Revolution

tantly, that this price/performance ratio would continue to improve as CPUs continued
to increase in power.
Like so many visionaries, Dixon believed that many others would see this opportunity,
and that he merely had to wait for someone else to create what to him was an obvious
improvement. After a few years, he noticed that not only had no one created these cards,
but it seemed unlikely that anyone was ever going to. At that point it was clear that if
he wanted a revolution, he was  going to have to start it  himself.  And so the Zapata
Telephony Project was born:

Since this concept was so revolutionary, and was certain to make a lot of waves in the
industry, I decided on the Mexican revolutionary motif, and named the technology and

organization after the famous Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata. I decided to call