Asterisk: The Hacker’s PBX

Telecommunications companies who choose to ignore Asterisk do so at their peril. The
flexibility it delivers creates possibilities that the best proprietary systems can scarcely
dream of. This is because Asterisk is the ultimate hacker’s PBX.

If someone asks you not to use the term hacker, refuse. This term does not belong to
the mass media. They stole it and corrupted it to mean “malicious cracker.” It’s time
we took it back. Hackers built the networking engine that is the Internet. Hackers built
the Apple Macintosh and the Unix operating system. Hackers are also building your
next telecom system.

Do not fear; these are the good guys, and they’ll be able to build
a  system  that’s  far  more  secure  than  anything  that  exists  today.  Rather than  being
constricted by the dubious and easily cracked security of closed systems, the hackers
will be able to quickly respond to changing trends in security and fine-tune the tele-
phone system in response to both corporate policy and industry best practices.
Like other open source systems, Asterisk will be able to evolve into a far more secure
platform than any proprietary system, not in spite of its hacker roots, but rather because
of them.