There are three files that need to be configured for DUNDi: dundi.conf, |
extensions.conf, and iax.conf.‡ The dundi.conf file controls the authentication of peers whom we allow to perform lookups through our system. This file also manages the list of peers to whom we might submit our own lookup requests. Since it is possible to run several different networks on the same box, it is necessary to define a different section for each peer, and then configure the networks in which that peer is allowed to perform lookups. Additionally, we need to define which peers we wish to use to perform lookups. |
The General Peering Agreement |
The General Peering Agreement (GPA) is a legally binding license agreement that is designed to prevent abuse of the DUNDi protocol. Before connecting to the |
DUNDi-test group, you are required to sign a GPA. The GPA is used to protect the members of the group and to create a “trust” between the members. It is a requirement of the DUNDi-test group that your complete and accurate contact information be con- figured in dundi.conf, so that members of your peer group can contact you. The GPA can be found in the doc/ subdirectory of the Asterisk source. |