Working with Interface Configuration Files

In this chapter, we’re going to build an Asterisk configuration on the platform we have
just installed. For the first few sections on FXO and FXS channels, we’ll assume that
you have a Digium TDM11B kit (which comes with one FXO and one FXS interface).
This will allow you to connect to an analog circuit (FXO) and to an analog telephone
(FXS). Note that this hardware interface isn’t necessary; if you want to build an IP-only
configuration, you can skip to the section on configuring SIP.
The configuration we do in this chapter won’t be particularly useful on its own, but it
will be a kernel to build on. We’re going to touch on the following files:


Here, we’ll do low-level configuration for the hardware interface. We’ll set up one
FXO channel and one FXS channel. This configures the driver for the Linux kernel.


In this file, we’ll configure Asterisk’s interface to the hardware. This file contains
a  slightly  higher-level  configuration  of  the  hardware  in  the  Asterisk  user-level


The dialplans we  create will be extremely primitive, but they will prove that the
system is working.


This is where we’ll configure the SIP protocol.


This is where we’ll configure incoming and outgoing IAX channels.

In the following sections, you will be editing several configuration files. You’ll have to
reload these files for your changes to take effect. After you edit the zaptel.conf file, you

will need to reload the configuration for the hardware with /sbin/ztcfg -vv (you may
omit the -vv if you don’t need verbose output). Changes made in zapata.conf will require
a  module reload from the Asterisk console; however, changing signaling methods re-
quires a restart. You will need to perform an iax2 reload and a sip reload after editing
the iax.conf and sip.conf files, respectively.
In order to test the new devices we have defined, we must have a dialplan through which
we  can make  connections. Even though we have  not discussed the Asterisk dialplan
(that’s coming up in the next chapter), we want you to create a basic extensions.conf

file so that we can test our work in this chapter.
Make  a backup copy of the sample extensions.conf (try the bash  command  mv exten

sions.conf extensions.conf.sample), and then create a blank extensions.conf file (using

the bash command touch extensions.conf), and insert the following lines: