To compile Asterisk, you must have the GCC compiler (version 3.x or later) and its
dependencies on your system. Asterisk also requires bison, a parser generator program
that replaces yacc, and ncurses for CLI functionality. The cryptographic library in As-
terisk requires OpenSSL and its development packages
Zaptel requires libnewt and its development packages for the zttool program (see “Using
ztcfg and zttool later in this chapter). If you’re using PRI interfaces, Zaptel also requires
the libpri package (again, even if you aren’t using PRI circuits, we recommend that you
install libpri along with zaptel).
If you install the Software Development packages in CentOS, you will have all of these
tools. If you are looking to keep things trim, and wish to install the bare minimum to
compile Asterisk and its related packages, Table 3-1 will prove useful.
answer yes to all prompts, and using it will install the application and
all dependencies without prompting you. If this is not what you want,
omit the -y switch.
If you just want to i
nstall all of the above packages in one go, you can
specify more than one package on the command line, e.g.: