Integrate with Your Desk Phone Using Micromenus

With increasing competition between modern IP-enabled desk phone manufacturers,
the  microbrowser  feature has snuck  in relatively  unnoticed  and  underutilized.  The
principle is simple: physical desk phones construct interactive menus on a phone by
pulling  XML  over  HTTP  or  the  like.  Contending  interests,  however,  lead  this
technology  amiss: every vendor’s  XML  differs, microbrowsers are  often quirky,  and
available features vary vastly.

The Micromenus framework exists as an Adhearsion helper and aims to abstract the
differences  between  vendors’  phones.  For this very  particular  development  domain
(i.e., creating menus),  Micromenus  use a very simple Ruby-based “Domain Specific
Language” to program logic cleanly and independent of any phone brands.
Below is a simple example Micromenu:

image 'company-logo'
item "Call an Employee" do
 # Creates a list of employees as callable links from a database.
 Employee.find(:all).each do |someone|
   # Simply select someone to call that person on your phone.
   call someone.extension, someone.full_name
item "Weather Information" do
 call "Hear the weather report" do
   play weather_report("Portland, OR")
 item "Current: " + weather("Portland, OR")[:current][:temp]
item "System Uptime: " + `uptime`

A list item displays in two ways. If given only a text String, Micromenus renders only

a text element. If the arguments contain a do/end block of nested information, that text
becomes a link to a sub-page rendering that nested content.
A call item also has two uses, each producing a link which, when selected, initiates a
call. When  call receives no  do/ end block, it  simulates physically dialing the number
given as  the  first  argument.  When a  do/end  block  exists and  all calls route through
Adhearsion, selecting that item executes the dialplan functionality within  the block.
This is a great example of  how handling the dialplans and on-screen microbrowsers
within the same framework pays off well.
From this example we can see a few other neat things about Micromenus:

Micromenus support sending images. If the  requesting phone does  not support

images, the response will have no mention of them.

All Adhearsion helpers work here, too. We use the weather helper in this example.
• The Micromenus sub-framework can use Adhearsion’s database integration.