Using Java

Eyebrows around the world raised when Sun announced their hiring of the two core
developers of the JRuby interpreter  project,  Charles  Nutter  and Thomas  Enebo, in
September 2006. JRuby is a Ruby interpreter written in Java instead of C. Because JRuby
can  compile  parts of  a  Ruby application to Java bytecode,  JRuby is actually outper-
forming the C implementation of Ruby 1.8 in many different benchmarks and promises
to outperform Ruby 1.8 in all cases in the near future.

A Ruby application running in JRuby has the full benefit of not only Ruby libraries but
any Java library as well. Running Adhearsion in JRuby brings the dumbfounding as-
sortment  of  third-party  Java  libraries  to  PBX  dialplan  writing.  If  your  corporate
environment  requires tight integration with other  Java technologies,  embedding Ad-
hearsion in a J2EE stack may offer the flexibility needed.