Eyebrows around the world raised when Sun announced their hiring of the two core developers of the JRuby interpreter project, Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo, in September 2006. JRuby is a Ruby interpreter written in Java instead of C. Because JRuby can compile parts of a Ruby application to Java bytecode, JRuby is actually outper- forming the C implementation of Ruby 1.8 in many different benchmarks and promises to outperform Ruby 1.8 in all cases in the near future. A Ruby application running in JRuby has the full benefit of not only Ruby libraries but any Java library as well. Running Adhearsion in JRuby brings the dumbfounding as- sortment of third-party Java libraries to PBX dialplan writing. If your corporate environment requires tight integration with other Java technologies, embedding Ad- hearsion in a J2EE stack may offer the flexibility needed. |