
Open  source  telephony  creates  limitless opportunities.  Here  are  some  of  the more
compelling ones.

Tailor-made private telecommunications networks

Some people would tell you that price is the key, but we believe that the real reason
Asterisk will succeed is because it is now possible to build a telephone system as one
would  a  web site: with complete, total customization of each and  every facet of the
system. Customers have wanted this for years. Only Asterisk can deliver.

Low barrier to entry

Anyone can contribute to the future of communicating. It is now possible for someone
with an old $200 PC to develop a communications system that has intelligence to rival
the most expensive proprietary systems. Granted, the hardware would not be produc-
tion-ready, but there is no reason the software couldn’t be. This is one of the reasons
why closed systems will have a hard time competing. The sheer number of people who
have access to the required equipment is impossible to equal in a closed shop.