
In  the  1.4.0  version  of  Asterisk  and  its  related  packages,  a  new  build  system,

autoconf, was implemented. This has changed the build process slightly, but has given
more flexibilty to control what modules are being built at build time. This has an ad-
vantage in that we only have to build the modules we want and need instead of building
Along with the new build system, a new menu-based selection system was introduced,
courtesy of Russell Bryant. This new system permits a finer-grained selection to which
modules are built before compiling the software and no longer requires the user to edit

Makefiles.  So instead of discussing how to  use menuselect in every  “Compiling ...”
section, we will discuss it here, so when you see make menuselect you will understand
what to do once inside the menuselect configuration screen.
In Figure 3-1, we see the opening menuselect screen for the Asterisk software. Other
packages will look extremely similar, but with less options. We can navigate up and
down the list using the arrow keys. We can select one of the menu options by pressing
Enter or by using the right arrow key. The left arrow key can be used to go back.
Figure  3-2 shows  a  list  of  possible dialplan applications that can  be built for  use in
Asterisk. Modules to be built are marked as [*]. A module is marked as not being built
by [ ]. Modules that have XXX in front of them are missing a package dependency which
must be satisfied before it will be available to be built. In Figure 3-2, we can see that
the app_flash module cannot be built due to a missing dependency of Zaptel (i.e., the
Zaptel  module  has  not  been  built  and  installed  on  the  system  since  the  last
time  ./configure was run). If you have satisfied a dependency since the last time you