There are several other make arguments that you can pass at compile time. While some
of these will be discussed here, the remainder are used internally within the file and
really have no bearing or use for the end user. (Of course, new functions may have been
added, so be sure to check the Makefile for other options.)
Let’s take a look at some useful make arguments.
make clean
The make clean command is used to remove the compiled binaries from within the
source directory. This command should be run before you attempt to recompile or, if
space is an issue, if you would like to clean up the files.
make distclean
The make distclean command is used to remove the compiled binaries and to clean
the source directory back to its original state after being extracted from the compressed
make update
The make update command is used to update the existing code from the Digium SVN
server. If you downloaded the source code from the FTP server, you will receive a notice
stating so.
make webvmail
The Asterisk Web Voicemail script is used to give a graphical interface to your voicemail
account, allowing you to manage and interact with your voicemail remotely from a web
When you run the make webvmail command, the Asterisk Web Voicemail script will be
placed into the cgi-bin/ directory of your HTTP daemon. If you have specific policies
with respect to security, be aware that it uses a setuid root Perl script. This command
will install only on a CentOS or Fedora box, as other distributions may have different
paths to their cgi-bin/ directories. (This, of course, can be changed by editing the
HTTP_CFGDIR variable in the Makefile at line 133 at the time of this writing.)
make progdocs
The make progdocs command will create documentation using the doxygen software
from comments placed within the source code by the developers. You must have the
appropriate doxygen software installed on your system in order for this to work. Note
that doxygen assumes that the source code is well documented, which, sadly, is not
always the case, although much work was published since the first edition of this book!
The information contained within the doxygen system will be useful only to developers.
make config
The make config command will install Red Hat-style initialization scripts, if
the /etc/rc.d/init.d or /etc/init.d directories are found to exist. If they do exist, the scripts
are installed with file permissions equal to 755. If the script detects
that /etc/rc.d/init.d/ exists, the chkconfig --add asterisk command will also be run to
cause Asterisk to be started automatically at boot time. This is not the case, however,
with distributions that only use the /etc/init.d/ directory. Running make config will not
do anything to an already running Asterisk process, or start one if it’s not running.
This script currently is really only useful on a Red Hat-based system, although initial-
ization scripts are available for other distributions (such as Gentoo, Mandrake, and
Slackware) in the ./contrib./init.d/ directory of your Asterisk source directory |